General Volunteering for Specific Events: Email stmichaelsprintshop@gmail.com if you see an event coming up that you would like to help with. Alternatively, fill out the form above if you would like to be kept on an email list for volunteer opportunities! We are always looking for assistance and just knowing we’ll have some extra volunteers to contact is amazing. If you have specific skills, especially skills pertaining to photography or video, let us know. We also appreciate volunteers who are happy to clean, carry things, set up/take down for events, direct visitors of events, and handle cash boxes/payments. Some volunteering roles to consider are:
Studio Monitor
Live Printer
Market Tabling Volunteer
Volunteer Studio Access Deal: Volunteers work on a range of tasks for ten hours per month in exchange for studio time. Once you complete some volunteer hours, you will be granted a level of access to the printshop to either make art independently or take a workshop for free. Sign up to volunteer by filling out the form above and we will be in touch.
Join a Committee: Another valuable way to join the SMP team through volunteering is to join a committee. You will be expected to go to meetings and participate in events/plans that the committee decides on. Committees are a great way to get to know the “behind the scenes” of an organization. They are also a great way to meet new people, learn new skills that are valuable in the work force, and get to know your community from a new lens. We have several committees including Programming, Studio, Fundraising, Human Resources, and an Anti-Oppression committee. For more info check out our Committees page.
Join the Board of Directors: Joining a Board of Directors is a lot like applying to or being vetted for a job. It is an extremely valuable role to play in your community and it’s a long-term – expected 2 year – commitment. The Board of Directors are like advisors and managers of SMP. They meet about once a month to discuss how everything is going at SMP. They are all volunteers and can come from a mix of backgrounds like visual arts, education, graphic design, tourism, law, accounting, and business– though the majority of board members must be artists since we are an artist-run centre. They follow “Roberts Rules” in their meetings and are comprised of a Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, committee Chairs, and Members-at-Large.